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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Study accomplishes several purposes

| Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 8 comments

All this study accomplishes several purposes. It gives you an appreciation of the general business climate. You have to have a feel the economy, interest rates, stock prices, commodity prices, and other factors affecting the overall economic climate in general and your industry in particular.

You also should know the outlook for your prospects and competitors and how they are affected by current events. Knowledge of your prospects enables you to tailor your product or sales presentation to their needs. Knowing your competition, what they are doing and why, enables you to meet them better.
Studying the sources suggested here should improve your ability to point up the advantages of your product in relation to changes in the environment which affect your prospects. The highest accomlade you can receive as a salesman is to be told that you know your business better than any of your competition. If you are well prepared, every interview is easy and, usually, productive.

Following this advice can help you change yourself from a fumbling amateur into a polished professional. You know how to present the appearance of a trim-figured, confident, well-dressed, well sooken individual. With added dimension of a broad knowledge of the economic scene, your prospects and products, and your competitors, you should be ready to venture into the world and commence prospecting for sales.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Prospecting for a corporation from sales

| Saturday, July 23, 2011 | 0 comments

            Prospecting for a corporation’s business is much different from prospecting for an individual’s business. Corporate prospecting is essentially a numbers game in which the salesman who makes the most contacts will generate the most proposals, and the one who makes the most proposals will get the most business. In prospecting individuals, the competition is generally somewhat limited because most of it originates in the immediate geographical area. Also, most competitors are individuals purporting to be salesman who actually are something much less. In soliciting corporations, particularly the major ones, the competition often comes from national or international companies, and the salesman are likely to be throughly professional in every way.

            One offset to the greater competition is the fact that detailed information is much more readly obtainable concerning corporations than it is for individuals. For instance, someone publishes anunual directories of all corporations with a net worth of $1 million or more and those with a net worth of from $500,00 to $1 million. This firm also makes various information available on cards and tape, so specific groups of prospects can readly be solicited by mail. Many papers publish daiy comprehensive information on publicly owned corporations in this county. Itu is easy to read compilation of information on most of the larger publicy owned companies. Numerous states publish directories containing information on the manufacturers or businesses located in them. In addition, many industries publish directories of various sorts which make it possible to target specific users of a financial service.
            To examine the process of prospecting for sales to corporations, we will assume that you are the representative of a regional bank equipment leasing company. Your responsibility is to seek equipment leasing and financing business in a three state area. Your product is the lease or finance agreement for equipment in the $250.00 to $10 million range.
Read the step for next post..


Monday, July 18, 2011

Having determined to dealing with the competition

| Monday, July 18, 2011 | 0 comments

Step 5
     Having determined why your prospects are dealing with the competition, you must determine what, if anything, you can offer that will be appealing to them and may not now be offered by their connection. In the case of securities and related investment vehicles, it is very doubtful that you can offer any major price concessions, except to the most active traders. Commissions are no longer set by the New York Stock Exchange, and there are some firm that deal strictly in executing orders and offering commission price concessions. But an investment client who is looking for service cannot expect such price concessions. What is more important, you will probably not be able to offer them.
     You can however offer more service. You and your firm maybe able to do a number of things better than your prspects present stockbrokers.
     One things is to offer more appropriate advice by making it a practice to get to know your prspects resources and aspirations better than their present suppliers do. Youu certainly should be able to give prospective clients a feeling of greater impprtance than they are pesently enjoying, and this feeling alone maybe enough to win at least part of their business. We seem to be living in an era where many companies and many salespersons have altered the adage "The customer is always right" to "The customers is always wrong." As a resultof this attitude and the general deterioration in quality of most manufactured products, anyone who really attempts to understand and meet a prospective customers requiements will enjoy an advantage over competition.
     IT maybe possible, either through your own research or that of your firm, to provide better or different information than your prospects are receiving. Every brokerage firm and advisory service seems to make this claim. Brokers who ignore stereotyped investment advice and make up their own minds about a specific strategy and timing are most successful over a period of time.
      In determining if you are in a position to offer these or other services, it is wise to analyze your firm's resources and your own. Some individuals are better suited for speculation than others. If you are one of those who find making rapid decisions difficult or admitting mistakes agonizing, then you probably should confine yourself to the more conservative areas of investment. If, however, you enjoy working enough confidence in your abolity so that you will be unshaken by mistakes, then you maybe able to handle more speculative accounts. Whichever category you fall in, you should determine what services you and your firm can provide that maybe appealing to a prospective client.


determine from whom your prospects


Step 2
      Step 2 is to determine from whom your prospects are presently buying securities. This is probably local or nearby brokerage houses, although some may deal with major city firms. Other maybe buying trough local or other banks or trust departments.

Step 3

     You must now ask yourself why people buy securities. On the basis of experience with your personal client list, you would find that that most security buters fall into several easily recognizable categories. These include:
1. Conservative purchasers who buy principally to preserve capital or to develop income. Individuals in this group normally buy certain types of cinservative common sticks and are apt to own preferred stock, bonds, or mutual funds.
2. Aggressive investors who are principally interested in longterm capital gains. The are usually more interested in ownership of individual common stocks.
3. Speculators who are interested in both long- and short-term capital gains. They normally own common stocks, warrants, and bods at cetain times in the interest cycle. At various times they may also own options or commodity positions.
4. Buyers who buy securities for corporate purposes or enter the commodity markets to hedge against risk entailed in their normal businesses.

Step 4
      The next step is to determine why these individuals are buying securities and other types of investments from their present sources. I doubt if there is a great deal of statistical information available on this. However, you common sense and experience else where will probably help.
     You can start with the assumption that purchasers of something as important as investment advice and services wil buy from people they know and fell comfortable with, or from strangers who are well known by reputation. In addition, all oters things being equal, purchasers will probably give business to someone they like.


Radeon 6700


Finally, the long-awaited turn up, a new graphics card from AMD that has become a byword among many finally revealed. After some time ago to tell if the party will issue a graphics card AMD Radeon HD 6000 series specifications this time one of them has been leaked to the public that shows if the specifications of the graphics card is experiencing a major reshuffle of the previous HD 5800 series although not yet officially launched by AMD. Graphics card is the Radeon HD 6750 and HD 6770.

For the Radeon HD 6750 has similar specs to the Radeon HD 5850 as posted on the Core Clock speed of 725 MHz, Memory Clock 1000 MHz, ROP 32, and Memory Bandwidth 128.0 GB / s. But unfortunately in some aspects of the elbow has decreased significantly, it is coming down on the Stream Processor and Texture Units. The decline does not appear to affect the segmentation if the HD 6750 HD 5850 installed a replacement.

As for the Radeon HD 6770 series, code Barts XT Core Clock in the leak has mounted higher than the HD 5870 is 900 MHz, but for Shader, ROP and Memory Buses are still the same. Unfortunately, as with the HD 6750, there were declines in several places such as the Texture Units, Pixel filtrate, and even occur on the Memory Clock.

For both the power consumption of the HD 6700 series graphics cards installed more friendly than the previous series. HD 6770 only has a TDP of 146W with 23W power consumption when idle while the HD 6750 has a TDP of 116W with a power usage of just 20W when idle. It seems only requires a 2-pin connector PCI-e only eh?

Of course, it all just mere rumors, true or not is still unknown. But if the right specification will be like that? Just wait and see.


Step prospecting will be your best prospects


Step 1
            Step 1 is to determine what companies will be your best prospects. To determine this you would first examine the companies credit. Considering the size transaction you wish to develop, the minimum net worth requirements will probably be $1 million. Larger companies will be better prospects; probably your best prospects will have a net worth of over $2 million. Futher, your prospects must be earning in the area of 10 percent after taxes on their net worth to be considered credit worthy. Their earnings record must be reasonably satisfactory for at least the prior three years, and there must be no major problems evident on the horizon.
            Your best prospects obviously would be companies that use large amounts of equipment and replace it on a continuing basis. A look through would indicate that or industry classifications are more apt touse your services. Mining companies, some retailers, manufacturers, transportation companies, and utilities tend to use major amounts of equipment. Conversely, furniture stores, financial institutions, architecturam firm, engineering firm, most wholesalers, and companies of this type generally use little equipment other than that needed for data processing or office procedures.
            Companies’ balance sheets also influence their equipment financing. Those with little or no debt are generally not good prospects for equipment leasing or financing, since they have unused borrowing capacity at the banks where they maintain accounts. Companies with major amounts of debt in their capital structure generally find new financing sources worth examining.
            You also wuld investigate the companies prospects and longterm growth outlook. Companies which are expanding often find their capital requirements are increasing too rapidly to develop sufficient equity. Thus they are excellent prospects for equipment leasing and financing. In contrast, companies whose sales and balance sheets are relatively static usually require little or no outside financing.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sources of individual prospects

| Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 1 comments

   Among the questions asked most often in sales meetings are:
"How do I find names of people to contact? Where do I get my prospects?"
      In selling such services as securities to individuals, a number of sources can be very useful. For example, Andi and Dodo publishes various directories of corporations and their officers, and most states and some cities and counties publish directories of all businesses in their areas. Such directories usually indicate type of business and number of employees and give some idea of sales and profits for each firm. In addition, they may list the top officers and directors. The U.S. Government Printing Office publeshes various studies by the Bureau of the Census showing family income and various economic areas broken down by postal zip codes.
     All of these would be useful in selling securities to individuals. In addition, if you are recommending investment in a specific stock or a certain industry, the yellow pages of your local telephone book will give you the names of the companies' local facilities or their competitors. Either maybe a good source of new business.
     Another source of business, often overlooked, is referrals. Salesman who habitually ask every contact as well as every client for referrals usually have a constant stream of prospects' names coming in. Visiting accountants and attorneys to ask for their help is another commonly used tactic.
     Advertising in financial journals and newspapers and on radio or television can, of course, be very useful. Traditionally, advertising in the security business has consisted of offering to mail prospects reports of research done on various companies or industries. A new wrinkle minght be to advertise personalized advice sessions to be held by appointment after market hours. Such sessions allow possible investors to visit you at your office at a mutually convenient time to discuss their objectives and resources, as noted above. Another device might be to develop a telephone hit line you would operate one or two evenings a week for the same purpose.
     Another method of meeting porspects is to give lectures, either in a facility you provide yourself or at local schools or stock clubs, women's clubs, and other such sites. Conduncting regular or night school courses has also proven o be a good source of new contacts.
     Your general objective must be to present as high a profile as possible and still maintain a professional demeanor. The demands on your time cannot interferee with your required presence in your office during market hours.


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